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Translation Reviewing Guidelines

This article contains a set of guidelines, which can be used by reviewers to determine whether a pending translation meets quality requirements to be approved and become available for users to train on. They were collected to help ensure that translations are of sufficient quality and users' experience will be as good as possible.


The guidelines are to be followed by every user reviewing and potentially approving a translation, including the author of the translated kata.


  • The translation must be reviewed before it's approved. If the reviewer is not familiar with the language of the translation, they should ask other users for help.
  • The review should be as complete as possible, including all applicable steps mentioned in Curating a Translation HOWTO
  • Conformity to translation authoring guidelines should be verified. All applicable guidelines should be followed by the translator.
  • Reviewers and users other than the original translator are allowed to fix issues in pending translations.


  • A translation can be approved only if the review confirms that it is of sufficient quality, it holds to all applicable quality guidelines, and all reported issues have been addressed.
  • Suggestion posts announcing the translation should be marked as resolved.
  • Approvers should keep responsibility for the issues in translations they approved. You should actively maintain all problems which slipped through your review and ended up in an approved translation: fix issues, consider suggestions, answer questions.


  • If a translation has too many issues or cannot be easily fixed, and there's justified concern that it could be approved prematurely while not keeping up to quality standards, it should be rejected.
  • Reason why the translation was rejected should be stated in the translation comments section.
  • Translation does not have to be rejected and can be left in pending state if it has some issues, all of them are reported, but the translation cannot be approved without editing (for example, due to description merge conflict).


  • After a translation is approved, it becomes the responsibility of the translator and the kata author to fix any potential issues which might come up later when users attempt to submit their solution.