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Codewars' Markdown Extensions

Codewars adds a few Markdown extensions for writing kata descriptions.

Sequential Code Blocks#

Used to display code blocks only in the language selected by the user.


  • Each code block must have an info string set to a valid language ID. To find the language ID, visit its documentation from the languages page.
  • The order of the code blocks/languages doesn't matter.
  • To avoid rendering errors/problems:
    • Always put an empty line before and after the complete group of code blocks
    • Never put empty lines between individual code blocks of the same sequential group.


const add = (a, b) => a + b;

const add = (a: number, b: number) => a + b;

def add(a, b)
  a + b

If the active language of the user is TypeScript, the above Markdown is rendered to the following:

const add = (a: number, b: number) => a + b;

Conditional Rendering#

Conditional rendering blocks renders the content when the language selected by the user matches the condition specified in the info string.

Basic syntax#

For java, use `Preloaded.check(input)`.

If the selected language is java, this block is showing up in the description, rendered to:

For java, use Preloaded.check(input).


  • The language name in the info string has to match a valid language ID. To find the language ID, visit its documentation from the languages page.
  • To obtain proper rendering, language-specific blocks need an empty line before and after them, just like code blocks.
  • You can use Markdown inside conditional blocks, but be careful when inserting code blocks.
  • You can use different kinds of conditions or assigned them to groups of languages using the following syntaxes:
    • if:language
    • if:language,language2
    • if-not:language
    • if-not:language1,language2



Shown _if_ the active language is JavaScript **or** TypeScript.

Shown _if_ the active language is Ruby.

If the active language is Ruby, the above renders:

Shown if the active language is Ruby.


Hidden _if_ the active language is JavaScript **or** TypeScript.

Hidden _if_ the active language is Ruby.

If the active language is Ruby, the above renders:

Hidden if the active language is JavaScript or TypeScript.

Using Code Blocks Inside Conditional Blocks#

To use code blocks within these conditional blocks, use tildes (~) to declare the conditional block or increase the number of backticks used.

Used tilde to open conditional block.
// Regular code block
Used 4 backticks
// Regular code block

Math Typesetting#

Math typesetting is supported with the following two syntaxes:

See the support table on KaTeX to find all of the supported syntaxes.

Commonly used Symbols/Functions#

\ltlower than
\leqlower or equal
\lgtgreater than
\geqgreater or equal
\sumsigma (sum)
\prodpi (big)
\pipi (small)
{ ... }to group instructions


Suppose `$ x_n \leq l \leq y_n $` and `$ \lim_{n\to\infty} (x_n - y_n) = 0 $`,
prove that `$ \lim_{n\to\infty} x_n = \lim_{n\to\infty} y_n = l $`.

x_n \leq l \leq y_n

\lim_{n\to\infty} (x_n - y_n) = 0

\lim_{n\to\infty} x_n = \lim_{n\to\infty} y_n = l


Math Typeset ExampleMath Typeset Example